Rise of Cybercrime in India

Published On: 14th December, 2023

Authored By: Ashika
Amity University, Lucknow


With the development of India, there have been several changes that have been made in the society. Changes in the economic sector, cultural sector, technological sector and many more took place which led to the development of India and helped in overcoming of various challenges faced by the country. One such development is the use of technology which has become important in today’s society. People are dependent upon technology for their various works from shopping to earning money technology has been playing important roles. Use of the computers has become a very important part of every person whether he is an office working man or a school-going child. Technology has provided many benefits to people it has made it easier for people to search for several problems, has helped in the process of learning, and also provides people the opportunity to work from home and make their work easier, to earn money.


As the use of computers in society has increased several people are dependent upon technology for their needs and work. This dependence and continuous use of technology have also increased the rate of cybercrime in India. Cybercrime has a very different aspect than any other crime happening in society as cybercrime has no geographical boundaries and can be committed by a person living in any part of the country or the world. It is very different from any other crime as it has no limits.[1]

Cybercrime can be defined as the use of a computer is there to commit a crime. It involves computers for the commission of any offence it can include anything from bullying online or harassing online. It can be used to commit offences against an individual, government or an organization. Cybercrime is a subject of state matter and falls under the 7th schedule of the constitution.[2]


  1. CYBERCRIME AGAINST PERSON- It includes cyber-stalking where one is being stocked by an unknown person and it also creates a threat to use the computer. Includes defamation to lower the person’s reputation in front of other people. Cheating and fraud are also included under cybercrime as in many areas some victims are being suffered from online scams. Child Pornography is used to sexually exploit children. Threatening people to commit offences on their close ones.
  2. CYBERCRIME AGAINST PROPERTY- There has been fast growth in international trade and there are worldwide consumers and traders and documents of the same are transmitted through computers. So here comes the concept of cybercrime against property. Intellectual Property Rights consists of a bundle of rights including copyright, trademark, patents, and designs. Cyber Vandalism is also included, in this destroying or damaging the data when the network service has been stopped. The hacking of computers is also included.
  3. CYBERCRIME AGAINST GOVERNMENT- Cyber Terrorism is one of the major issues related to cybercrime. It endangers the severity of the country—distribution of pirated software from one system to another system. Terrorists can easily access any kind of information through the internet.


  1. EASY TO ACCESS- It can be seen that cyber crime can be caused as there is a very easy way to access the information of one and the hackers by using various codes can hack systems from individual to an organisation. They can fool biometric systems very easily
  2. NEGLIGENCE- It is one of the behaviors of mankind, people often neglect things and have a very casual attitude towards the use of the internet and social media. They interact very frequently with any person they meet online which can cause damage to one.
  3. LACK OF AWARNESS- With the increasing of this technological area there is no awareness of how this technology can harm and what are the measures to get protection from the same. As a result, many people know how to make use of technology but they do not know how to get rid of the technological problems.
  4. DIGITIAL TRANSFORMATION- With the rapid transformation of society in technological areas, and as people are becoming dependent upon technology for shopping, and studies. It has also increased the growth of cybercrime as criminals find it easier to attack people.
  5. DIGITAL TRANSCATIONS- There has been an increase in the digital transaction system and online transfer of money. This can also be one of the major reasons for the increase in cybercrimes.[3]


  1. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT 2000- The IT Act governs the legislation regarding commission of the cybercrimes related to cyberbullies, harassment online, theft and many others. This act contains legal provisions and penalties regarding the same.
  2. USAGE OF STRONG PASSWORD- One of the best measures for protection from cybercrime is to use strong passwords. Using of weak password can cause easy access. On the other hand, strong passwords cannot be easily accessed.
  3. PROTECTION OF STORAGE DATA- Protection of data by using encryption for important documents and files such as for financial or any other documents.
  4. CYBER CELLS AND CYBERCRIME INVESTIGATION AGENCY- As the cybercrimes have been increasing, to protect the same, in many areas cyber cell and investigation agencies have been established. To protect the victims of cyberattacks and also to foster the investigation process.
  5. PARTNERSHIP OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE- The collaboration between the private sector government and several industry stakeholders is a very crucial step towards overcoming cybercrime in India.[4]


India ranks at the second position among the online markets with about 560 million internet users. According to the reports of NCRB, there were a total of 27,248 cases of cybercrime registered in the year 2018, in India.

In 2012 the registered rate of cybercrimes was 3,377, in 2013 it was 5693, in 2014 it increased to 9,622, in 2015 it was 11,592, in 2016 it was 12,317, and it increased to 21,796 in 2017, further increased to 27,248 in 2018, in 2019 it was 44,546, in 2020 it was 50,035 and further it increased to 52,974 in 2021.[5]

From the above data, it can be made clear that there has been an increase in rate of the cybercrime from year to year and it is a major concern and various steps still need to be taken to get protection from the same.


[1] Cybercrime in India: An overview (no date) Legal Service India – Law, Lawyers and Legal Resources. Available at: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-4998-cyber-crime-in-india-an-overview.html

[2] Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs Rajya Sabha unstarred … Available at: https://www.mha.gov.in/MHA1/Par2017/pdfs/par2023-pdfs/RS08022023/697.pdf

[3] Bandakkanavar, R. (2023) Causes of cybercrime and preventive measures, Krazytech. Available at: https://krazytech.com/technical-papers/cyber-crime

[4] Cybercrime causes and measures to prevent it (2022) GeeksforGeeks. Available at: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/cybercrime-causes-and-measures-to-prevent-it/

[5] Basuroy, T. (2023) India: Number of cyber crimes, Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/309435/india-cyber-crime-it-act/


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