Trademark Protection: Brands, Products and Services

Published On: 3rd July, 2024

Authored By: D. Suvarchana Bai
Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University


In today’s globalized and competitive marketplace, trademarks are vital for businesses to distinguish their brands, products, and services from competitors. They represent a company’s identity and significantly contribute to building consumer trust and loyalty. Trademarks play a critical role in creating brand identities and building consumer trust in India’s fast-paced commercial climate. As competition intensifies, understanding and utilizing trademarks is essential for businesses to create a lasting impression on consumers.

This article explores the multifaceted aspects of trademark protection, highlighting its importance, the legal frameworks involved, practical considerations for businesses, and the impact of trademarks on building brand value and trust.


Definitions and Types of Trademarks

“A trademark is defined under Section 2(zb) of the Trademark Act, as a mark capable of being graphically represented and distinguishing the goods and services of one business from those of another. It may include the shape of goods, their packaging, and also colours’ combination.”[1] Trademarks can be categorized into various types, including:

  1. Word Marks: These are text-based trademarks, such as brand names or slogans (e.g., “Nike” or “Just Do It”).
  2. Product Mark: A product mark is a type of trademark that is used on a business good rather than on a service. This trademark primarily serves to identify the product’s place of origin and supports the upkeep of the company’s reputation. For example, Nestle, Amul, etc.
  3. Service Mark: A service mark is quite similar to the product mark but service marks are used to identify the services of the entity rather than a product. These are employed to distinguish the owners of one service from those of other services. As an illustration, consider the trademarks for network and broadcasting services, which support the offered service. The service mark is represented in trademark applications filed under classes 35 through 45. For example, Apple, Google, etc.
  4. Design Marks: These include logos and symbols (e.g., the Apple logo).
  5. Composite Marks: A combination of word and design elements symbols (e.g., McDonald’s golden arches with the name).
  6. Colour Marks: Specific colours associated with a brand (e.g., Tiffany & Co.’s distinctive blue).
  7. Sound Marks: Distinctive sounds associated with a brand (e.g., the MGM lion’s roar).


  1. Brand Identity and Recognition: Trademarks help consumers identify and differentiate products and services in the marketplace. A strong, recognizable trademark can become synonymous with quality and reliability, fostering brand loyalty and consumer trust.
  2. Legal Protection: “Registering a trademark provides legal protection against unauthorized use or infringement. This prevents competitors from using similar marks that could confuse consumers or dilute the brand’s identity.”
  3. Market Positioning: A registered trademark solidifies a company’s market position, allowing it to leverage its brand equity more effectively. This can be particularly crucial when entering new markets or launching new products.
  4. Business Valuation: Trademarks are valuable intangible assets that can significantly enhance a company’s overall valuation. They can be licensed or sold, providing additional revenue streams.
  5. Consumer Protection: Trademarks help protect consumers by ensuring that they are purchasing genuine products or services from the intended source, reducing the risk of counterfeit or substandard goods.


  1. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883:

“India joined the Convention on December 7, 1998. The Convention covers a wide range of industrial property, including patents, trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, trade names, geographical indications, and preventing unfair competition. Each member country must give the same protection to foreigners’ industrial property as it does to its own citizens. A person who files a patent application in one member country can claim that filing date in other member countries if done within a specific period.”[2]

  1. Madrid Agreement, 1981:

The agreement established in 1891 created a system for international trademark registration, making it easier and cheaper to register trademarks in multiple countries without the need for separate filings in each country. This protocol makes it easier to register trademarks internationally. The protocol became effective in India on July 8, 2013.

  1. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 1970:

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was created by a 1967 convention, that came into force in 1970. Its roots trace back to the Paris Convention (1883) and the Berne Convention (1886), which initially formed separate international bureaus united in 1893. WIPO promotes global intellectual property protection and administrative cooperation among the intellectual property unions established by these conventions.

  1. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 1995

“The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an international treaty managed by the World Trade Organization (WTO). It establishes minimum standards for various forms of intellectual property (IP) regulation for nationals of WTO member countries. Negotiated during the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994, TRIPS integrated IP law into the international trading system for the first time and remains the most extensive international IP agreement.”

  1. The Trademark Act, 1999:

The Trademark Act,1999 grants the authority to the police to arrest in cases of trademark infringement, offering a comprehensive definition of infringement. It stipulates punishments for offenders and extends registration duration, including non-traditional trademarks.


If the proprietor is not based in India, a trademark agent or attorney must be appointed. The agent handles the search, preparation, filing, and prosecution of the trademark application. The agent determines if the trademark is eligible for registration and conducts a clearance search to ensure no similar marks exist.

The agent completes and files the application form with details about the proprietor, goods/services, and a copy of the mark. A power of attorney is required if the agent files on behalf of the proprietor.

The trademark office reviews the application for completeness and assigns an application number, which becomes the registration number if approved. The trademark office examines the application on absolute (Section 9) and relative (Section 11) grounds for refusal. If there are no objections, the mark is published in the Trademark Journal for public opposition.

Handling Objections:

  1. Objection Status: If the examiner objects, the status will show as “Objected.” The applicant can respond to the objections, typically under Section 9 or Section 11.
  2. Section 9 Objections (Absolute Grounds): Objections are based on the mark being descriptive, generic, or deceptive. The applicant must prove the mark is distinctive and recognizable by consumers.
  3. Section 11 Objections (Relative Grounds): Objections are due to similarities with existing trademarks. The applicant can either prove the mark is distinct or obtain a no-objection affidavit from the owner of the conflicting mark.


  1. Examination Report Response: The applicant must respond to the examination report within one month. The registrar will then decide to accept, reject, or require a show-cause hearing for the application.
  2. Publication and Opposition: If accepted, the mark is published in the Trademark Journal. If no opposition is filed within four months, the mark is registered, and a registration certificate is issued.

Opposition Proceedings:

  1. Opposition Notice: If opposed, an opposition notice must be filed within four months of the mark’s publication in the journal. The notice must detail the application being opposed, the basis of the opposition, and information about the opposing party.
  2. Opposition Resolution: The trademark office reviews the opposition, and the applicant can counter the opposition claims. A decision is made to either register or refuse the trademark based on the arguments presented.

Registration: If no opposition is sustained, the trademark is registered, and the proprietor receives a registration[3] certificate valid for ten years, renewable as per the provisions of the Trademark Act.


Global Enforcement

Enforcing trademark rights across multiple jurisdictions can be complex and costly. Differences in legal systems, language barriers, and varying levels of enforcement capabilities complicate the process.

Evolving Technologies

With the rise of digital media and e-commerce, new challenges such as domain name disputes and social media impersonation have emerged. Businesses must adapt their trademark strategies to address these evolving threats.


“Cybersquatting involves registering domain names that are identical or similar to trademarks with the intent of profiting from the brand’s reputation. This practice can lead to consumer confusion and dilute the brand’s online presence.”

Dilution and Genericization

Trademarks can become diluted or genericized if they are used too broadly or become synonymous with a general product category (e.g., “Xerox” for photocopying). Maintaining a trademark’s distinctiveness is crucial for its protection.


Trademark infringement occurs when a person uses a trademark that is identical or deceptively similar to a registered trademark without the permission of the trademark owner, in relation to goods or services covered by the registration. Infringement can lead to confusion among consumers and dilute the distinctive character of the trademark.

Types of Trademark Infringement

  1. Direct Infringement: This involves the unauthorized use of a registered trademark that is identical or deceptively similar to the registered trademark. Key elements of direct infringement include:
    • Unauthorized use of the trademark.
    • The use must be in the course of trade.
    • The use must be in relation to goods or services for which the trademark is registered.
    • The use must cause confusion or be likely to cause confusion among the public.
  2. Indirect Infringement: This involves the contributory or vicarious liability of parties who may not directly use the infringing mark but contribute to the infringement. Indirect infringement can occur when:
    • A person knowingly facilitates the infringement (contributory infringement).
    • A person has control over the infringing activity and benefits from it (vicarious infringement).
  3. Passing Off: Though not covered under statutory law, passing off is a common law remedy that protects the goodwill associated with unregistered trademarks. Passing off occurs when a person misrepresents their goods or services as those of another, causing damage to the goodwill of the trademark owner.

Civil Remedies

  1. Injunction: The most common remedy is an injunction, which can be temporary or permanent. An injunction restrains the infringer from using the trademark. The court may grant an ex-parte injunction in urgent cases to prevent further damage to the trademark owner.
  2. Damages or Account of Profits: The trademark owner can claim damages for the loss suffered due to the infringement. Alternatively, the court may order the infringer to account for the profits made from the unauthorized use of the trademark.
  3. Delivery and Destruction of Infringing Goods: The court can order the infringer to deliver up the infringing goods, labels, and promotional materials to the trademark owner. These items can then be destroyed or disposed of as directed by the court.

Criminal Remedies

The Trade Marks Act, 1999 also provides for criminal remedies to deter trademark infringement. These remedies are crucial for addressing severe cases of counterfeiting and deliberate infringement.

  1. Punishment for Infringement: Sections 103 and 104 of the Act prescribe penalties for selling or providing services under an infringing trademark. The penalties include imprisonment for a term ranging from six months to three years and fines ranging from INR 50,000 to INR 200,000.
  2. Enhanced Punishment for Repeat Offenders: Section 105 of the Act provides for enhanced punishment for repeat offenders. The imprisonment term may extend to three years, and fines may extend to INR 200,000.
  3. Seizure of Infringing Goods: Law enforcement authorities have the power to seize goods that infringe upon registered trademarks. This can include goods, packaging, labels, and advertising materials.


Proactive Registration

Businesses should proactively register their trademarks in all jurisdictions where they operate or plan to expand. This includes registering domain names and considering social media handles to prevent cybersquatting.

Monitoring and Enforcement

Regular monitoring of the marketplace and online platforms is essential to detect and address potential infringements promptly. Engaging in active enforcement through legal action or negotiated settlements helps maintain trademark integrity.

Brand Management

Effective brand management involves consistent use of trademarks across all marketing and product materials. This ensures that the brand remains recognizable and maintains its value.

Education and Training

Educating employees, partners, and consumers about the importance of trademarks and the proper use of branded materials helps prevent unintentional misuse and strengthens overall trademark protection efforts.


Technology plays a crucial role in trademark protection by enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of the registration and enforcement processes. Advanced search algorithms and databases help in identifying potential infringements and ensuring that new trademarks do not conflict with existing ones. Blockchain technology provides secure and immutable records of trademark registrations, reducing the risk of fraud and counterfeiting. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools assist in monitoring the market for unauthorized use of trademarks, offering real-time alerts and detailed analysis.

Moreover, online platforms and digital tools streamline the application and renewal processes, making it easier for businesses to manage their trademarks globally. E-commerce surveillance technologies track and remove counterfeit products from online marketplaces, protecting brand integrity. Overall, technology significantly strengthens trademark protection by improving detection, enforcement, and management, thereby safeguarding intellectual property rights in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.


Yahoo Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr.[4]

In this landmark case, Yahoo Inc. filed a suit against Akash Arora for using the domain name “,” which was deceptively similar to Yahoo’s registered trademark “Yahoo.” The Delhi High Court held that the use of a deceptively similar domain name constituted trademark infringement. The court granted an injunction restraining Akash Arora from using the domain name, emphasizing the importance of protecting well-known trademarks in the digital age.

Daimler Benz Aktiegesellschaft & Anr. v. Hybo Hindustan[5]

Daimler Benz, the manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz cars, filed a suit against Hybo Hindustan for using the mark “Benz” on undergarments. The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Daimler Benz, stating that the use of “Benz” on goods such as undergarments would dilute the distinctive character and reputation of the Mercedes-Benz brand. The court granted a permanent injunction, highlighting the importance of protecting the integrity of well-known trademarks.

Tata Group

The Tata Group is renowned for its meticulous approach to trademark protection. The company aggressively defends its trademarks, including the Tata name and its various logos and product names like Tata Motors and Tata Steel. Tata’s comprehensive strategy includes global registration, continuous monitoring, and swift legal action against infringers.

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)

HUL’s trademark portfolio includes numerous well-known brands like Surf Excel, Dove, and Lifebuoy. The company’s robust trademark protection strategy has helped it maintain its position as one of the most recognizable brands in India.

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is renowned for its meticulous approach to trademark protection. The company aggressively defends its trademarks, including the iconic Apple logo and product names like iPhone and MacBook. Apple’s comprehensive strategy includes global registration, continuous monitoring, and swift legal action against infringers.


Coca-Cola’s trademark portfolio includes the distinctive script logo, the shape of its bottle, and the red colour associated with the brand. The company’s robust trademark protection strategy has helped it maintain its position as one of the most recognizable brands worldwide.


Nike’s “swoosh” logo and “Just Do It” slogan are among the most recognized trademarks globally. The company’s proactive registration, vigilant monitoring, and aggressive enforcement have played a significant role in protecting its brand identity and market share.


In conclusion, trademark protection is paramount for safeguarding brands, products, and services in today’s competitive marketplace. By registering trademarks under relevant legal frameworks and actively enforcing their rights, businesses can ensure their unique identities are preserved and consumers are shielded from confusion. Effective trademark protection not only fosters consumer trust and loyalty but also upholds the integrity and value of brands in the global market. With the rise of e-commerce, social media, and globalization, the need for robust trademark protection measures has become more pressing than ever. Businesses must remain vigilant, proactive, and adaptable to evolving challenges to maintain a strong foothold in the marketplace and uphold the distinctiveness of their brands. In essence, trademark protection is not merely a legal requirement but a strategic imperative for businesses looking to thrive in an increasingly competitive and interconnected world.


  1. The Trademarks Act, 1999
  2. Intellectual Property India (IP India) – Intellectual Property India
  3. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) – Trademarks

  1. TRIPS Agreement – World Trade Organization (WTO).

  1. Mahajan, P. (2019). TRADEMARK PROTECTION IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCES TO UNREGISTERED TRADEMARK USE. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(4).
  2. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) – What is a trademark


[1] Trade Marks Act 1999 (India) s 2(zb).

[2] World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ‘Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property’ [1883] WIPO, accessed 24 May 2024


[3] Trade Marks Act 1999 (India) s 18.

[4] Yahoo Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr. [2016] 62 PTC 293 (Del).

[5] Daimler Benz Aktiegesellschaft & Anr. v. Hybo Hindustan [1994] Supp 3 SCC 35 (India).

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